Thursday 27 April 2017


It is a story of a drug lord Bellamy who invades African biggest slum Kibera and recruits two good friends Max and Blade  to be his suppliers. Max seemed to be greedy and by so he betrayed his friend  Blade to the police so that he could be the only supplier in Kibera. After the betrayal  Max brought in new Rules and  ways of supplying his stuff. Soon you will find out which Rules and Tricks were these.

 Directed by : Anthony Ogega
Cinematographer : Ondivow

  Max and his girlfriend Mamushka dialogue as they chimney up before the phone call that changed the mood of this house. Find out what did Bellamy told him. 

 The phone call that brought change in the room what message do you think he received was it negative or positive you will find out soon.

 Things that makes Max do what he does are all laid on this table. Khat,Cocaine,Weed and Beer. 

 Max in his cube burning high grade weed as his girlfriend Mamushka takes liquor. This did after they a had a quarrel about a phone conversation.

    Max Will Never Solve His Problems Peacefully he loves drama and action especially when you break one of the Rules

 Apart from the lethal weapons You might have in this game, you also have to be physically fit. Max at his training corner punching a bag to gain his second power.

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