I was born and raised in the largest slum Kibera where peer influence is a major problem among teens. It was very difficult for me to skive this temptation since my friends nicknamed me a coward. so I join them to prove that I was not.
Many of us start using drugs because we wan't to prove something to someone or to the society i.e some use drugs because they want to seduce a woman, others because they think it is a solution to their stress either from home school , work or at home, others because they don't wan to be left out. But the truth is, your problems will never be solved when you are high on substance.
What is drugs slavery? Drugs slavery is a point in life when drug users leave drugs to control their brain. Your brain is like a control tower, it sends out signals that direct actions and choices, so when you take drugs, the chemical signals in your brain change and it affects your choices your actions and even the way you feel.
why are drugs so heard to quit? Normally the brain pleasure centers are active when you eat, you are in love or experience something else you enjoy like drugs and after a while the drugs become more important it happens when you are enslaved by it.
Quitting drugs is hard but it can be done, my question is, what are the government and non-government that deals with the control of drugs and substance usage do? does it means that they are not doing their job or are those wrong people at the right place?
(You will look back at where you came from and wish to go back because those you left there will have moved so fur.)
The numbers of drug use among the youth is increasing day by day. We are loosing our future generation, the generation that should be there to build this great Nation something is wrong somewhere and it needs to be solved immediately before it's too late.
(Whatever you do, do it privately because the little ones are too fast to copy)
It is said that marijuana and 'Changa' (local liquor)are illegal substances according to the Kenyan constitution yet they are among the most readily available and openly abused substances across the slum and rural areas. This is like a symbol it reminds me of our old ancestors who sold our brothers to the Europeans because of greed to satisfy their needs.
When you take a drug you feel a 'rush' or a 'high' but over time the high is not as strong and they need the drug to keep from feeling bad and that's a symbol of "Drug Slavery"
When you are a "slave" to drugs they will mislead you to start fighting your family,steal from people,defile,drive when you are drunk just to mention but a few.
"Drug Slavery" is a brain disease it controls you feel a strong urge to keep taking a drug even if it is causing you harm.
(You will cry for help but no one will be there to pull you out of that den.)
Ever hear someone with a drug problem talk about quitting? and they try to quit alone with no help,they tell their friends they have given up forever. It usually doesn't work because eventually they slip and start using it again.
(You will be locked up in that dark room with no one to talk to but only the beast in you)
This is my message to the youth. The road you have chosen or thinking to choose is a road that most of them who chose it earlier are wishing to change because they have seen the direction it is leading them to. So;
- Lets make wise decisions to abandon drugs and care about our health.
- Lets be productive as youths and be creative to build this great Nation.
- Ganja itakufanya ukae njaa na pombe itakufanya uombe
(You can lie to the world but can't lie self, so hiding as you use the drugs won't help because it will be finally known.)
Quitting drugs is hard but it can be done so better don't start if haven't and were planning to.
For help you can contact: NACADA ON THE HELP LINE 1192 IT IS FREE.